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Do you know what an honor it is to be chosen to photograph another photographer? It’s CRAZY awesome! Especially when it’s a super talented High School Senior!
Lillie is an incredible student photographer and I cannot wait to see what she does in the future! She might be along on some of your senior sessions, so be prepared for hilarity. You will find that I act like a dork enough (trust me, if you are nervous AT ALL for your senior portraits it won’t last long…) add Lillie in and I’m sure we will need to start a reality show of our own!
So…meet MEP senior model, Lillie! Lillie is a soon-to-be HighSchool Senior at DeLaSalle Highschool in Minneapolis. She’s a photographer, Irish Dancer, Stage Manager (ie she herds cats…), and Instagram genius.
Follow her www.instagram.com/lillllieeeeee and you know what? Follow meee too! www.instagram.com/meganengesethphoto. You’ll see a ton of amazing senior pictures but also my dog and cats…only a few. Promise.
Anyway! A few more things about Lillie. She’s destined to be on SNL (seriously though, this girl CANNOT keep a straight face), has danced with Gaelic Storm (like Irish, bouncy curls, feet so high-off-the-ground-you’d-think- she’s-on-wires) and might just be in love with Jimmy Fallon. I think that says it all.
Oh, and she wants to be a high school teacher if the SNL thing doesn’t work. Sounds like a good plan..SNL.. HS teacher….same thing.
Check out her gorgeous images!!
Loving these two necklaces!! They are available for senior session with me!
Her laugh is soooo cute on the right…..but I think she might be laughing AT me instead of WITH me on this one…yeah. It happens.
And when I can get it…check out this serious portrait!! Breathtaking!
Lillie’s also featured in the Experience Video!! Check it out!
Megan Engeseth Photography- Senior Portrait Experience from Megan Engeseth on Vimeo.
Photographer for CREATIVE and GORGEOUS High School Seniors in Minneapolis - St. Paul Minnesota, the surrounding metro area, and worldwide
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Your photographer for high school seniors, headshots, portraits, and epic fine art photography, all wrapped in a touch of the extraordinary!
Whether you're craving a unique experience filled with creativity and adventure or simply want to capture the essence of your personality, I’m here to make it happen.
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