Farm horse senior pictures riding glamor creative photographer

Minnesota Senior picture photographer | Farm whimsey

Mar 27, 2017

For anyone keeping up – we’re still on puppy watch. I’m dying over here. I want puppies!


Meet Marley.  This girl is smart, talented, opinionated and I LOVE her!  We decided to do portraits with her gorgeous horse Sassy on the most beautiful farm.

This country girl also has a glam side at heart – so mixing those options was so fun.  From soft lacy looks to high red heels to country styles Marley can pretty much pull off anything.

Oh man, you should have seen her mom and I acting like idiots whistling and making funny noises to make sure that Sassy had her ears up and forward.  It’s harder than you think, friends. HA! I wish I had a video.  The farm also had a miniature pig as a pet and kittens everywhere…. it made me so happy. Oh, and complete with a beautiful, southern style wrap around porch. It was basically heaven in one spot.

Marley also wanted to do a few shots in my studio for an edgier look.

I love it. Still one of my favorite sessions and has me dreaming of the summer in this drab weather!


Farm horse senior pictures riding glamor creative photographerFarm horse senior pictures riding glamor creative photographer

This was all Marley’s idea.  Haul a couch out to the horses? Why not?

Farm horse senior pictures riding glamor creative photographerFarm horse senior pictures riding glamor creative photographerFarm horse senior pictures riding glamor creative photographerFarm horse senior pictures riding glamor creative photographerFarm horse senior pictures riding glamor creative photographerFarm horse senior pictures riding glamor creative photographerFarm horse senior pictures riding glamor creative photographerFarm horse senior pictures riding glamor creative photographerFarm horse senior pictures riding glamor creative photographerFarm horse senior pictures riding glamor creative photographerFarm horse senior pictures riding glamor creative photographerFarm horse senior pictures riding glamor creative photographerFarm horse senior pictures riding glamor creative photographerFarm horse senior pictures riding glamor creative photographerFarm horse senior pictures riding glamor creative photographer


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