
Modern Senior Pictures | Sweet and grungy is best….

Feb 27, 2017

So much for Snowmageddon this weekend, right?? I was contemplating casting a quick snow shoot in addition to the one we did in December for book covers…. but… nope.

Saturday we did a Model VIP Team movie day!! Movie day on Megan Engeseth Photography – what could be better? I FINALLY got to see LaLa Land – so good! I won’t tell you there was some crying involved at the end. Be still this actor girl’s hearttt…..

OH! BTW! Don’t forget to sign up to be part of the Class of 2018’s VIP team!! Applications are available NOW for a limited time! This year we will have an AMAZING styled shoot – complete with Designer gowns, vintage hair and makeup and a custom built set.

Can you guess the theme?

SIGN UP HERE to be part of this experience!!

VIP video 1 min 1080p from Megan Engeseth on Vimeo.

AAANNNNNDDDDD… Bronte is on the blog today!! This girl is so fun! She’s an amazing actor and all around sweet as pie girl.  Oh, and very opinionated… which I LOOVVVEEE. Go girl.

Check out her session! We used all the gross, grungy places around my studio building…and it was awesome!




We will be in touch in 1 or 2 business days! 

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