Senior picture photographer in cafe - coffee shop - fashion

Twin Cities Best Senior Portrait Photographer | Random pitfalls, Fashion and coffee shops…

Mar 29, 2016

You know those days that nothing can go right? First – you put on two different colored shoes.  Only to notice it after you’ve been wearing them all day.  On the way to work you spill that much coveted coffee down your shirt (so put together with the crazy shoes – you look amazingly put together!! *cough cough*).  You park where you thought it was legal and get a ticket, get gum on the bottom of your shoe and commence to run home and hide under the covers from the rest of the day.  The day definitely had it out for you.


Well – now I can look back and say (humorously) that’s how I felt with Catherine’s ENTIRE experience…. in a fun, light hearted laugh it off kinda way.

CONSULT: What went wrong you ask? Well – Catherine and her mom, Jeanne, came in for a Senior Session consult and when I got to the studio I realized that the POWER WAS OUT.  I tried to call to ask if they wanted to reschedule but they were already almost to my warehouse studio.  Sigh….

We had a little meeting by window light (and it was rather dim out that day too!!) but really connected as Catherine’s family is full of professional photographers and had been photographed all the time since she was a little one. We had a bunch of fun chatting about her and what she wanted for her session so it really wasn’t that bad.

THE DAY OF HER SENIOR SHOOT: Good news? The power was on! Yay!! (my building is under constant renovation so every once in awhile, you just never know!)  Catherine came with tons of outfit options (girl has style!) and as we are sorting through them my amazeballs makeup artist realized she left her eyelash kit at home. This NEVER happens. Jen is ALWAYS on top of things.  She flies out the door and makes it there and back in 20 min!! I’m not even going to ASK how fast she drove!!

SHOOTING: Yay!! We’re having fun! Catherine is a natural and we breeze through her outfits and setups! We decided to walk around the warehouse building to get more of the brick and broken down concrete. My motto is the dirtier the better!! (Bugs? Suck it up! Dirt? Get in there! It’s worth it!! Trust me…) On our way back into the building I pull out my electronic key card, swipe it and…nothing. No click. Again. Nothing. We’re locked out.  UGHHHHH!! Remember what I said about random stuff happening in the old building? Yeah… locks broken.

15 min later and my assistant, Claire, sweating from running loops around the building knocking/throwing things at windows we FINALLY get back in. (Truthfully – it wasn’t so bad for us – I got some awesome pictures of Catherine just walking a full loop around the building).

We then head out to a city location and stop at a designated coffee shop to show off her love of coffee (a girl after my own heart). I ALWAYS ask permission if I’m shooting on private property so I got permission beforehand and we bought a coffee (for good measure) and took a few snaps.  We’re wrapping up and all of a sudden the barista comes over and tells us that they actually don’t want us there anymore.  Whoever I talked to before was wrong. So – we leave a generous tip and head out. I can’t say this was super embarrassing because I did have permission – but it’s just.adding.up. . . .

FINALLY – End of shoot. Found an amazing location. Super exciting. Catherine is rocking it and we’re getting amazing things and decide to do some urban/city street/night time look. By that time, I’m CONVINCED I’m gonna get arrested for something or other.  I mean, why not right?? Doing something totally legal? TOO BAD! I can see the headline now “LOCAL PHOTOGRAPHER ARRESTED BECAUSE OF BAD LUCK DAY”. Sigh… Long story short – we did fine, we all made it home alive and well, but this might have been the most fun I’d had at a session (even if it was full of random pitfalls that were out of my control – and I HATE things being out of my control. I have a problem.)

Thanks for a super fun time Catherine and Jeanne! (and of course the laughs and your sense of humor).


Senior picture photographer in cafe - coffee shop - fashionSenior picture photographer in cafe - coffee shop - fashionSenior picture photographer in cafe - coffee shop - fashionSenior picture photographer in cafe - coffee shop - fashionSenior picture photographer in cafe - coffee shop - fashionSenior picture photographer in cafe - coffee shop - fashionSenior picture photographer in cafe - coffee shop - fashionSenior picture photographer in cafe - coffee shop - fashionSenior picture photographer in cafe - coffee shop - fashionSenior picture photographer in cafe - coffee shop - fashionSenior picture photographer in cafe - coffee shop - fashionSenior picture photographer in cafe - coffee shop - fashionSenior picture photographer in cafe - coffee shop - fashionSenior picture photographer in cafe - coffee shop - fashion


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